These soft, yummy and gummy pastilles were awesome #energyboosterscreated by Marathon Baker Homemade Energy Bar for the #ultrarunners to stay energized throughout Penang Ultra 2017. It also helps get rid of the metallic taste that normally get after exceeding the 50km mark.
The special ingredient, #seaweed, is known to aid in #tissuerepair and #strengthening bones! Besides being an extraordinarily potent source of #antioxidants and also help prevent inflammation, seaweeds can counter the deterioration of joints and have been used in the treatment of aches and pains.
You able find these #noaddedsugar #nopreservatives #gummyultra on CP 4, CP 5 and CP 6 during Penang Ultra 2017 BTW, please be tolerate, take few pieces will do, do remember your ultra friends behind you.
#penangultra #penang100 #ultramarathon #penang #actifestyle #100km#84km #50km Penang Ultra 100 #marathonbaker #homemade #energybars#foodforjoints #runners #allnatural #food #ultramarathons #training #ultra#ultrarunner